
Thursday, May 24, 2012


hello's been awhile~still the same greeting..How are you guys? my sisters are sick..because of the bad weather..the weather like hot sunny day but sudden heavy raining~well..just take good care of yourself okay? ''Papa'' told me, "Take good care of yourself please.If u r sick or pain, no one can instead your pain." #realry?!*whatDennisyinalwaysdoes* lol
Anyway, i agreed papa.
hey..i am sad when people judge me without knowing me..Yes of course i listened all the advices.i did thought what u guys gave to me..i never resist! i never angry! i never disagree what you girls told me! I never reject what u told me. because i knew "Good advice is harsh to the ear". When i keep quiet doesnt mean im ''beh song''. im just dilemma..sometime im just dont know how to express what i thought. I keep quiet because im thinking what to do for the next.Everyone was giving me the best advices.But in the end, im still the only one who makes a decision.So, can give me some space to think wisely?
I AM NOT PLAYGIRL!!! I just treat everyone like my know what is BRO?.If u r easily fall in love with someone then just keep a distance with me.I didnt mean i dont wanna change my behavior. I got my mind. Something true i will listen carefully.something i think it's useless to me then i will listen casually..Anyway. i would analyze what's true what's false..somehow urs advices sometime is really helps to me..
I am happy this few weeks..Friends brought me to go many nice places.and ate alot of cate.mostly western foods.I been Genting 3times per week.*crazyyy*.i been casino and i won RM100 within 10 minutes!The 1st time i gambled in First World Casino.HAHA  *imtalentingambleralways*LOL
Papa gave me RM100 to gambler as entertainment.after i won , i returned RM200 to him.Then he bought me this [Starbucks keychain] VERY LOVE IT~~!Although a few days,i saw it i was still happy.the feel like...First Love~HAHAHAHAHAHAH!I LOVE YOU PAPA!and also i been a lot of cafe that i never try b4.
Cafe Cafe Restaurant @Jalan Bukit Bintang
A romantic a very comfortable restaurant..and a very mysterious place..what a nice place~~and the food is great!for me it's near perfect~haha :D
LavazzA Cafe @cheras

A cafe with very comfy lighting and pretty designed~a very good place to have a coffee and chill..and the food taste no bad..i give =)
The Ship @BukitBintang @damansara  uptown
Everyone knew this restaurant..waitress and waiter wearing the cute uniform on duty~haha..and a lot of cate there have~
Amelio @desapark city
This restaurant is very good mood to talk about feelings..i been thr for 2 times..Once i sit down with friends..a chat,chat for few so far i never try their main i give 
V One Concept Restaurant & Bar @Puchong
Opened long long ago i only go..ermm..i have no idea with this restaurant..i just dont like the feels..and little bit LA's feel..u know what i mean LA >< hmm.maybe is the music made me feel like LA.whateverrrr
i would continue to look for more restaurant..DAMN ENJOY! DAMN FAT! urghhh....
basically all of these pictures i stolen from google =p because i never bring my camera go out >< BUT!For my dear readers, i will bring my camera next time and update my blog to introduce more nicely restaurant to you guys..hehe.
Stay Tune =)

Monday, May 7, 2012


Me ♥  Steven ♥ Apple

还有最近都在OverTime当主持人..*soundlikePRO* 其实只是当游戏的主持人..没什么专业的..今晚会在SunwayPyramid主持..其实每一次上台都会有压力..会很担心冷场或者判错之类的问题..现在的我把那钱看得太重..其实现在是最好的时机让我去学习,找更多的经验..就找工作不要看薪水怎么样,先看看那份工可以让我学习到什么才是应该的..其实最担心的是自己工作到没心去读书..唉...
每当又不开心或者有疑问的时候..他们两就是我最好的聆听者..常常都给我意见,给我上课..每一堂课都很点醒我什么是应该, 什么是不应该..什么是轻重..开心不开心时都有他们陪我..去看戏,去唱k,上云顶, 到处喝茶, 打羽球打桌球..超爱他们的~管开心,生气,伤心,不开心,无聊我都会找他们麻烦..哈哈..就像我的哥哥 

有些话, 适合烂在心里 就停止像他述说..有些痛苦, 适合无声无息的忘记,就当经历过,成长了自己知道就好了..不需要去证明些什么..学会承受痛苦吧~
勇敢的继续尝试..!就算做错了只要懂得道歉和想办法弥补并更改..永远不要责怪自己!不要遇到挫折就灰心,我这种年轻人要时时保持积极向上的态度~失败了, 重来过~失去了争取别的..曾经就是曾经,不管是曾经的对曾经的错, 总不能回味在过去对不对?廷佩!年轻没有失败!给自己多点机会尝试好不好!真没用...就给多自己一点点的信心!
就算社会再怎么败坏,人心再怎么不简单,我还是坚持保留一点点的童心..我还是会相信有真情在我们之间..我绝不会妥协,不管是爱情还是友情~我还是相信会有童话般的那么美好 =)